Shh, I have a secret to tell you…

Shh, I have a secret to tell you…

This is how we used to speak about our salaries, especially if you had a pay secrecy clause written into your contract. Well, these taboo conversations are about to become a thing of the past, with the recent Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay)...
9 things to know to succeed as a Temp

9 things to know to succeed as a Temp

What’s the difference between Temporary work and Contracting? People often use the words Temporary and Contractor interchangeably, but they are two different employment arrangements. Temporary, or ‘Temp’ work, can range from one day to several months. It mostly...
My ideal day

My ideal day

If money were no issue, I’d take endless holidays, spend more time with friends and family, hire a personal trainer to get fit, go shopping, and… then? Eventually the holidays wouldn’t feel like a holiday anymore, shopping would get boring, and my mind would atrophy....